Saturday, December 23, 2006

"Opinions are a lot like assholes...everyone's got one and everyone thinks everybody's else's stinks and theirs don't."

So, I decided to join the 21st century and start one of these online blogs. It's not like I''m a stranger to technology as I usually spend 10-12 hours a day setting in front of a monitor earning my keep and making a decent living. I think I've resisted doing this before as blogging would just meant more time spent in front of said monitor. Nevertheless, here I am anyway; just call me a glutton for punishment. If you're here too then we already have something in common.

It does provide an interesting forum or avenue for jotting down my various thoughts, musing and ramblings on just about anything. If you're looking for some nefarious purpose or agenda stop reading now and go elsewhere as I can assure you there is no grand plan here.

I'm just like countless others, posting into the black nether regions of the internet. If I happen to say something that strikes a cord of sympathy then that's terrific, give us a shout out if you like, otherwise just chock me off as another daft bugger that's decided to clutter up the internet with blogging.

Books and movies are two of my greatest interests and pursuits. If you happened tour my house and saw the countless bookcases and shelves crammed full of books and DVD's it would be painfully obvious I have a soft spot for these two types of media.

I learned to read on those Dick and Jane, See Spot Run books. That alone should tell you I'm not some pimple-faced young snot but lean more towards bloody old fart instead. I quickly out grew Dick and Jane and eventually moved on to meatier titles by Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, Robert E Howard, Lester Dent, H. Rider Haggard, Jules Verne and H.G.Wells.

I've always had a vivid imagination and have always sought out fuel to feed my fires. As a kid, I could amuse myself for hours with the simplest of things. An empty cardboard box easily converted into a spaceship that I used to explore strange new worlds inhabited by all kinds of strange creatures and monsters. This was decades before Lucas introduced us to Star Wars. I could flip a lawn chair over and the next minute I was piloting a speeding airboat through the Everglades searching for some long lost treasure of gold hidden away by pirates.

Happened to see the new James Bond movie – Casino Royale – the other week. I really enjoyed this new incarnation of Ian Fleming's 007. In spite of being a Sean Connery fan, I must say that Daniel Craig did a bloody good job. He had the requisite rugged good looks and chiseled hard body, which I can certainly appreciate. Craig's performance is one of the closest to Fleming's original Bond….hard, cold and a bit of a mean bastard. While I've never passed up a Bond movie, I felt that some of the past incarnations tried to make Bond into too much of a dandy. The Bond torch has been passed on to a new and in my opinion, worthy carrier. This one's definitely worth your time and money.

Books I'm currently reading – "Curfew" by Phil Rickman, "Two-Handed Engine – The Selected Stories of Henry Kuttner and C.L Moore and last but not least "The Keeper" by Sarah Langan.

Well, hopefully I've sufficiently entertained or bored you by now, so I'll wrap this post up. I hope that you all have a safe and happy holiday season, which ever one you do or don't celebrate. Thanks for stopping in. Till next time!
